Akali wild rift
Akali wild rift

Yasuo is good in lane but shit in teamfights due to his ult activation reqs and mobile to only minions, akali is good in both phases. No other assassin is as busted as this kit An assassins job is to kill squishies and their weaknesses should be tanks, but akali is the only one that can avoid that weakness due to her kit.Ī burst passive that can be proc'ed using any skill, a damage 1st skill, a 2nd skill that can make you impossible to kill for 10 years unless aoe, a 3rd skill that one can use to either escape or gap close, a 4th skill that can all gap close, burst, and escape. So you admit akali can solo carry despite being supposed not to?Īkali is not op because of 1v1s, she op because of her ability to do well in lane and in teamfights due to her kit. You clearly dont know what ur talking about simple slows like Lux Q can be avoided by any of the 3 kills. "shes not unbalanced because all it takes is one cc" yea no shit you mean like how every assassin's weakness is getting cc'ed.

akali wild rift akali wild rift

Yes exactly they are all Kda and riot will never give them the nerf they deserve because they are their biggest cash cow that riot owns and if they get nerfed no one will play them and buy their skins, so yeah any of those champs getting a nerf is wishful thinkingĮven a braindead akali can kill 2 squishies. Now do u know what's common between all those champs. Seraphine man she is very crazy if she run electrocute supp she will be a bitch to deal with cause if she landes that root u can't do shit and her ult, Who decided that sona's ult should be able to extend it's range for every champ hit, like u could be running away and almost escape but u get hit by her ult because ur teamate stood in front of you but she is the most balanced of this group as it's easy to dodge skill shots if u know what u are doing.


Kaisa can literally rip ur anuses apart in the first five minutes with the ability to disengage and engage( 3 skill and ult respectively) plus her missiles deal so much damage it's a fuckin nuke and if she buys zhonya good luck killing her She can solo tanks and entire teams which no assassin should be able to do and by no one i mean no one.Įvelyn needs a huge nerf, her invis healing her, her ability to charm u from across the map, the absurd damage ,the blink on her ult. And if you google the matchup you’ll find that Akali is widely considered the hardest counter to Camille with the exception of Renekton who isn’t in WR yet.Īkali is bs she ruins the whole rock paper scissors chart because she can solo tanks and teams because of her kunai and shroud bs and also it's impossible to lane aganist her the cd on first skill is so short she can spam that shit all day, and her shroud makes it impossible to trade aganist while she can trade aganist you.

akali wild rift

My analysis may be imperfect because I don’t play Akali, but I know how it feels from a Camille’s POV, which is goddamn bad.

akali wild rift

Now she will want to hit you with q2 in the window while her shield is up, obviously you use your shroud or e to avoid that and disengage without taking any further damage, probably whilst also doing further damage to her with your e or an extra q from shroud as you walk away.Ĭongratulations, you won the trade and you can also threaten another trade before her shield is off cooldown, therefore putting pressure. If you do trade autos, you’ve done more damage than her (your q and passive vs her w and q1), and have a similar amount of sustain. You can get your empowered auto off before Camille procs her shield because your passive gives you range whereas Camille must hit a melee attack to get the shield. I think you mean Camille’s w, right? If you’re in range for her w, she’s in range for your q, so you do that and then you can threaten your passive.

Akali wild rift